Happy Release Day!

Woohoo! Today is release day for book 1 in my Kayla Walsh Mystery-Suspense Trilogy!

Kayla ignores the red flags that should have kept her from going inside the house, but when she does, her life forever shatters … along with the window through which a brutal home invader throws her.

Two years later, she dumps witness protection and embarks on a dangerous journey to deliver justice to the man who killed her parents and put her in a coma. With her best friend Martin by her side, she starts her search for clues at her old home.

But no matter how careful they are, they find them. And why does Martin keep sacrificing himself for her?

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Excerpt From Nowhere to Hide

Kayla ran down to the concrete floor of a dark basement with a window in the corner. It wouldn’t open. She turned toward the cavernous room. Graffiti covered the walls and the concrete columns. Stalactites hung from the ceiling. A tarp covered a stack of something in the middle of the room.

She rushed to the tarp and pulled it off a pile of bricks. It scraped the floor as she dragged it to a dark corner away from the window. Then she laid down to peer under the tarp and watched the doorway.

The door they had come through opened. Someone hesitated at the landing. The door closed. A person descended the stairs.

Kayla gnawed on her thumbnail.

A man she had seen at the Library of Congress stood in the open doorway a few feet from her. He walked to the window. Moved to the bricks. Stood still.

Her breathing sounded too loud. She held it.

Martin yelled from somewhere above, “I’ll lower you down. Run!”

Why did he give away his position? Kayla wanted to run to him. She could use her karate to get them out of this mess.

But he had told her to stay put.

The man dashed from the basement and opened the door to the outside. “They’re on the roof,” he yelled.

Several people tramped up the stairs where Martin had gone. Kayla tiptoed from her hiding place and cowered at the bottom of the stairs. She peeked around the corner but quickly jumped back.

“Where is she?” The voice sounded like the woman outside.

“She escaped,” Martin said. “I lowered her down, and she ran away.”

There was shuffling. Grunting. Fighting. Something thudded.

“He jumped!” The man from the basement approached the top of the stairs.

Kayla stepped farther back into the shadows.
